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Dorrego-Rivas A, Ezan J, Moreau MM, Poirault-Chassac S, Aubailly N, De Neve J, Blanchard C, Castets F, Fréal A, Battefeld A, Sans N, Montcouquiol M (2022) The core PCP protein Prickle2 regulates axon number and AIS maturation by binding to AnG and modulating microtubule bundling. Science Advances, 10.1126/sciadv.abo6333. Free full text.
Dorrego-Rivas A, Grubb MS (2022) Developing and maintaining a nose-to-brain map of odorant identity. Open Biology, 12:220053. Free full text.
Dorrego-Rivas A, Grubb MS (2022) The axon initial segment as a source of neuropathic pain. Brain, 145:1574-1575. Full text.
Tufo C, Poopalasundaram S, Dorrego-Rivas A, Ford MC, Graham A, Grubb MS (2022) Development of the mammalian main olfactory bulb. Development, 149:dev200210. Full text.